I went to NYC! And wait...it gets better...I attended the taping of the Project Runway Season Six Finale! Jealous? Thought so.
Here's how it went down.
I flew in Thursday and had dinner with my friend Alex who lives in Brooklyn. The city is somewhat overwhelming at first, not to mention that my shuttle dropped me off at the wrong hotel. Awesome. We headed to Carnegie Deli, taking the long way around to see the sights. After dinner we headed to Vlada for drinks. Vlada is possibly the smallest bar I've ever been to, but fun was had. I actually had difficulty sleeping Thursday night. It felt like Christmas! A really big, gay Christmas, with Heidi Klum starring as Santa.
The show itself seemed rather subdued. Heidi talked about how "sad" she was regarding all the litigation stuff, and Tim reflected the same feelings in his closing comments. The collections themselves were good, though I think there was a clear winner (#3!). I was sitting in full view of the judges and I can tell you that Nina did NOT enjoy collection #2. Oh, Nina. You and your condescending glares make me so happy.
After brunch I toured Central Park, ate a hot dog from a cart, and headed to the Met. I sprinted around the first floor trying to take it all in, but that place is freaking HUGE. Good Lord you could spend a month in there and not see everything. I luckily escaped within an hour after being summoned to dinner at Craft Steak - Tom Collichio's restaurant. Unfortch Tom wasn't there, thereby dashing my hopes of meeting every Bravo-lebrity ever in one solid weekend. Way to crush my dreams, Tom.
The rest of the weekend was spent frolicking through the city. Headed to Chelsea on Saturday, saw a show with Alex and Alyssa Saturday night (Altar Boyz...I highly recommend). After the show, I used my phone to find somewhere to eat, and found the gayest sushi restaurant in existence. It was more like a gay bar that happened to serve sushi, and there was a drag show going on in the back room. Again, fun was had.
Sunday was rainy and drizzly so I shopped for a bit and headed to the airport early. I actually shopped quite a bit throughout the weekend. I think my H&M count was up to five by Sunday (I shopped at two different ones).
In short, I absolutely loved the city and would move there in a heartbeat if I could find a job. There's so much energy and pretty lights everywhere, and with as ADD as I am, that makes me feel right at home. I can't wait for the new season of "Project Runway" to air, no matter the network. It'll be *that* much more intriguing watching the season knowing that I was part of the experience.